Gifted Education Services

Definition of Gifted Education


Gifted Education is defined in Chapter 16 of the Pennsylvania School Code as outstanding intellectual and creative ability, the development of which requires specially designed programs and/or support services not ordinarily provided in the regular education program. The term includes a person who has an IQ of 130 or higher and when multiple criteria indicate gifted ability.  Determination of gifted ability will not be based on IQ score alone.  A person with an IQ score lower than 130 may be admitted to gifted programs when other educational criteria in the profile of the person strongly indicated gifted ability.  Determination of mentally gifted shall include an assessment by a certified school psychologist.


Parents who believe their child may be in need of gifted education may request a screening to determine if further testing is needed. The request shall be made in writing, addressed to the building principal or guidance counselor or director of special education, and should explain why evaluation is necessary.


For more information, see the PA Chapter 16 Regulations for Gifted Services.


The Shippensburg Area School District utilizes a 4-tiered gifted universal screening and identification process. This process begins at:

  • Tier 1 - An analysis of already implemented diagnostic, standardized test scores (e.g., PSSAs, IXL/iReady, Acadience) for all students in grades 4 and 6.  If the student meets the threshold requirements, the parent will be emailed information about the screening process.   Students who meet the matrix threshold requirements will move to Tier 2.
  • Tier 2 - The student will then be evaluated in a small group using the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test which is completed on the computer.  All students in grade 2 will be screened in late Feb/early March.  Parents will be emailed results from the screening.  Students who meet the matrix threshold requirements will move to Tier 3.
  • Tier 3 - The student will be evaluated by a school psychologist individually using a brief intelligence test and teachers will fill out two rating scales about the student's abilities.  Parents will be emailed results from the screening.   Students who meet the matrix threshold requirements will move to Tier 4.
  • Tier 4 - The parents will be sent a permission to evaluate (PTE) form. The school psychologist will complete a psychological-educational evaluation and incorporate previous tiered results into a Gifted Written Report (GWR).  Parents will be sent a copy of this report by the 60th day.  Once the GWR is issued to parents, the district has 30 calendar days to have the GIEP meeting for students who qualified.  The invitation to participate in the GIEP meeting is sent to parents 10 days before the meeting. Parents will be asked to attend a GIEP meeting to develop a Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP). 

High School Gifted Services


The following services are available to all Shippensburg Senior High School students with a Classification of Gifted.  

   1.  Progress Monitoring by their assigned Gifted Coordinator

   2.  Scheduling conference with the Gifted Coordinator and/or Guidance Counselor

   3.  Priority Scheduling

   4.  Access to College coursework; paid by the school district.  {Guidelines apply}

   5.  Yearly meeting with the GIEP team to to revise goals and SDI or to determine if a GIEP is needed


(fax)  717-530-2847

Office Hours:
8:00am - 3:30pm

Mrs. Lauren Zima, ext. 1041

Assistant Director

Mr. Jeremy Eastmanext. 1043

Student Services Secretary
Mrs. Kristen Greene, ext. 1044