Welcome to James Burd Elementary School
The James Burd family will work together to create a welcoming, inspiring, and engaging environment,
where all learners take pride in
reaching their full potential.
(fax) 717-530-2856
School Hours: 8:40am - 3:10pm
Office Hours: 7:45am - 4:00pm
James Burd News

We are updating our drop off and pickup procedures to increase efficiency and safety.
Thu Aug 11 11:30 AM
Mrs. Andrea Pyles
School Counselor
Mrs. LeeAnn Rager
School Nurse
Mrs. Kathy Merideth
Mrs. Deb Etter
Mrs. Cheryl Diehl
Mrs. Angie Pinckney
Social Worker
Ms. Amanda Sigrist
A-TSI Plan
James Burd Elementary School was identified as an ATSI school during the 2019-2020 school year based on PSSA results from the spring of 2018. This designation is a three-year designation and was determined based on the academic performance of the James Burd Special Education population not meeting the state assigned benchmark in Math and ELA for the third grade PSSA. The Special Education population's attendance during the 2016-2017 school year fell below the lowest fifth percentile of Title I schools in the state which was the second qualifier needed to identify James Burd as an ATSI school. The ATSI plan has been created and adopted by the Shippensburg Board of Education and approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to improve both academic performance and attendance of the Special Education population at James Burd Elementary.
The Plan uses a collaborative approach to address attendance and academic performance. A Steering Committee has created action steps and a progress monitoring timeline for each year of the plan. The action steps include the use of the MTSS model to analyze data and provide specific interventions to address student needs, professional development for both teachers and parents, data analysis, and increased communication with parents
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based framework. PBIS operates in a three-tier system. The framework is used to bring together the data, systems, and practices that affect student outcomes every day.
Tier I: Practices and systems establish a foundation of regular, proactive support while working to prevent unwanted behaviors. School Staff provide universal supports to all students in the school.
Tier II: Practices and systems support student who are at risk for developing more problem behaviors. School Staff use specific supports to assist students in developing skills to help them be successful in school.
Tier III: Students receive more intensive, individualized support to improve their behavioral and academic outcomes. At this level, school staff rely on formal assessments to determine student needs.
James Burd Elementary School students and staff follow the "Be's of Burd" - Be Ready, Be Safe, Be Respectful.
James Burd Elementary School 600 Brad St. Shippensburg, PA 17257 717-530-2780 (fax) 717-530-2856